The Study on the Fresh Water Environmental Quality of the Downstream Haihe River Basin in Tianjin Section
DOI: 10.12677/AEP.2016.66018, PDF, HTML, 下载: 1,800  浏览: 4,935  科研立项经费支持
作者: 姜智飞, 周文礼, 窦 勇, 高金伟*, 贾旭颖, 张文慧:天津农学院水产学院,天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室,天津;缴建华:农业部渔业环境及水产品质量监督检验测试中心(天津),天津
关键词: 天津海河流域淡水环境质量Tianjin Haihe River Basin The Environment Quality of Fresh Water
摘要: 随着工业废水、生活污水大量排放,天津海河流域水体受到严重的污染,氮磷含量严重超标,许多水体达不到II类饮用水标准。本文对海河流域下游天津段的28个位点,5月、7月和9月的水体进行设站调查,测定高锰酸盐指数、砷、pH、总氮、总磷、石油类和氨氮7个对水体环境影响较大的指标,并参照中华人民共和国地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838-2002)分析河流、水库、湿地的水环境质量。结果显示,北大港湿地水体石油类含量可达到I类水体标准;海河干流市区段7月份总磷含量可达到II类标准,石油类在5月和9月达到I类水标准;于桥水库石油类含量达到I类水标准,5月份总磷含量达到II类饮用水标准,pH在正常范围内,偏碱性,其他指标均达不到II饮用水标准,污染严重。该文旨在为该区域的水资源保护和可持续开发利用提供一定的基础数据。
Abstract: With the discharge of a large quantity of industrial waste water and living sewage water, Tianjin Haihe river basin water is seriously polluted, and many waters with high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus could not reach II drinking water standards. In this paper, the water of the downstream of Haihe river basin in Tianjin is detected in May, July and September. The permanganate index, arsenic, pH, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, petroleum and ammonia nitrogen index are determined with reference to the surface water environmental quality standard of the People’s Republic of China (GB 3838-2002) trend analysis on water environmental quality with rivers, reservoirs and wetlands. The results show that the water oil content of Beidagang wetland can reach first class water quality standards; the total phosphorus content in July of Haihe river city section reached second class water quality standard and the petroleum in May and September can reach first class water quality standard; in Yuqiao water bridge, the oil content reached first class water quality standard, phosphorus content in May achieves second class water quality drinking water standard; pH is within the normal range, alkaline; other indexes could not reach II drinking water standard, the water is polluted seriously. The purpose of this paper is to provide some basic data for water resources protection and sustainable development.
文章引用:姜智飞, 周文礼, 缴建华, 窦勇, 高金伟, 贾旭颖, 张文慧. 海河流域下游天津段淡水环境质量评价研究[J]. 环境保护前沿, 2016, 6(6): 137-145. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AEP.2016.66018


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