Research on the Effect of CLIL Teaching Mode in the Course of Bilingual Teaching of E-Government
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.56121, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,563  浏览: 3,648  国家科技经费支持
作者: 胡新丽, 吴开松, 王 娟:中南民族大学,中国城市民族与宗教事务治理研究中心,湖北 武汉
关键词: CLIL教学模式双语教学电子政务CLIL Teaching Mode Bilingual Teaching Electronic Government
摘要: CLIL是目前获得最广泛认同的一个双语教育模式,本研究主要思考CLIL教学模式如何应用到电子政务双语教学,CLIL教学模式实施前后的双语效果的比较以及如何更好地将CLIL教学模式提高双语教学的效果。为解决以上问题,本研究将CLIL教学模式运用于行政管理专业电子政务课程双语教学中,采用单组前后测设计,对CLIL教学模式实施前后的双语教学实施效果对比,以更好地将CLIL教学模式融入电子政务课程双语教学中,为CLIL模式应用于我国专业课程教学提供可操作性的理论支持和建议。
Abstract: CLIL is the most popular bilingual teaching model. This research focuses on how to apply CLIL teaching model in the E-government bilingual teaching. Through comparing the before and after implementation of the CLIL, we want to know how to improve the effect of CLIL teaching model in bilingual teaching. In order to solve the above problems, this research uses the single group pre- posttest design in e-government bilingual teaching, then compares the effect of before and after the CLIL applying in bilingual teaching, so as to better application CLIL into bilingual teaching, and provides theory and suggestion for CLIL model in China’s foreign language teaching practice.
文章引用:胡新丽, 吴开松, 王娟. CLIL教学模式在电子政务课程双语教学中实施效果研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(6): 860-866.


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