Study on the Consumption and Financial Situation of Female College Students after 95s
摘要: 随着改革开放和市场经济的发展,人民群众的物质文化生活以及与之相适应的消费水平的提高,投资理财与消费变得十分重要。95后女大学生作为社会的重要群体之一,有较好的学习和生活条件,并且95后作为新的一代,受周围环境的影响,其消费行为在新时代中呈现出了新的特点,同时也产生了许多问题和矛盾。因此发现女大学生消费和理财中出现的问题,分析大学生消费不合理的原因,论述财商在理财中的重要性,探析当代大学生理财所面临的问题等就显得尤为重要。
Abstract: With the reform and opening-up and the development of the market economy, people’s material and cultural life and the level of consumption about it become higher, so investment and con-sumption has become very important. As one of the most important social groups, post-95s female students have good learning and living conditions. As a new generation, the post-95s are affected by the surrounding environment so that their consumer behaviors present new features in the new era, but that also brings many problems and contradictions. Therefore it becomes very important to find female college students’ consumption and financial problems, to analyze whether the causes of College Students’ consumption are reasonable, to discuss the importance of financial quotient, and to analysis of the problems that contemporary college students face when they manage their money.
文章引用:朱军杰, 殷杰, 陈彬鑫. 95后女大学生消费、理财现状浅析[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(1): 54-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.61006


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