Discussion of the Statistical Interpretation, the Conservation Laws in Single Micro-Process and the Principle of Superposition of States
摘要: 玻恩和博特在1954年同获诺贝尔物理学奖。玻恩的获奖成就与博特的毫无关联。人们猜测有联系的是,博特与盖革共同验证了的单个康普顿碰撞的能量守恒和动量守恒,否定了玻尔等人关于微观世界只有能量和动量的统计守恒的观点,而这会与玻恩的统计诠释相矛盾。这里我提出对态叠加原理修改的建议,在表述中增加两个限制,即用于有相互作用的复合系统中并满足微观单个事件的系统的能量和动量的守恒律,试图消除这类守恒律和统计诠释之间的矛盾,使这两方面在量子力学中得到兼容。若在1935年之前出现这种修改,爱因斯坦等人就不能运用沿用至今的态叠加原理和薛定谔方程,设想出他们和许多人所不能理解的没有相互作用的纠缠,即存在非定域性的纠缠,来质疑量子力学的完备性。运用修改后的态叠加原理和物理学定义,本文对实验验证的非定域性提出质疑。
Abstract: Born and Bothe shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954. Born’s achievement for the Prize was not related with Bothe’s. The relation was guessed that Bothe and Geiger proved the conservations of energy and momentum by single Compton collisions experimentally, which negated the viewpoint of Bohr et al. that there only exist the conservations of energy and momentum with statistics in microcosm, respectively. This conflicted with Born’s statistical interpretation. Here I propose a modification of the principle of superposition of states, which adds two restrictive conditions to the principle: it must be used in a composite system with interaction and meet the conservation laws of single micro-process. Such modification can eliminate the contradiction of the conservation laws and the statistical interpretation, and let them both hold in quantum mechanics. If the modification appeared before 1935, Einstein et al. could not use the principle of superposition of states, which is still used now, and Schrödinger’s equation to imagine the entanglement without interaction, i.e., the entanglement with non-locality, which was not understood by them and many others, to query the completeness of quantum mechanics. By the modified principle and the definition of physics, this paper queries those experimental proofs for the non-locality.
文章引用:曾天海. 统计诠释和微观单个事件守恒律及态叠加原理的讨论[J]. 现代物理, 2017, 7(1): 8-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MP.2017.71002


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