Review on the Criminal Second Trial Model of “Two Phases Ongoing Process”
摘要: 天津市第二中级人民法院创设“两段式不间断”审理模式,旨在解决外部干扰和权力寻租问题,但此制度目前刚步出试水阶段,收效如何,能否在人民群众范围内产生公信力,操作流程上衔接如何,是否能充分保障案件当事人的合法权益,当庭宣判率的提高是否会因过于追求效率而牺牲公信力和公正等,二审检察人员在行使监督职能时都应给予充分的关注。
Abstract: The second intermediate people’s court of Tianjin sets up the criminal second trial model of “Two Phases Ongoing Process”, so as to prevent abuse of power. The system is just beginning. The people’s procuratorate has to pay full attention on the effect of it, and whether it can be trusted by the masses of the people, how the parts link with each other, whether the legitimate rights can be protected, and if pronouncement of a judgment in court may cause the loss of justice.
文章引用:天津市人民检察院第二分院二审监督处课题组. 刑事二审案件“两段式不间断”审理模式刍议[J]. 法学, 2017, 5(1): 12-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2017.51003


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