The Concept, Model, and Empirical Research of Ethnic Identity
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.72019, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,862  浏览: 6,005 
作者: 肖子伦:西南大学心理学部,重庆 ;李书慧:西南大学西南民族教育与心理研究中心,重庆
关键词: 民族认同测量方法发展模型调节作用Ethnic Identity Measurement Developing Model Regulating Effect
摘要: 本文主要对民族认同的概念、模型和实证研究进行分析。结果发现民族认同的早期概念主要从情感、认知成分进行定义,后期概念的定义增加了行为方面的内容;民族认同的测量量表基本上都是基于自我确认、民族态度、民族归属感和民族涉入这四个维度,并有少数量表仅用于特定民族;民族认同的发展模型都大体经过消极到积极的过程;实证研究的证据显示民族认同对幸福感、健康有调节作用。未来研究需要对民族认同概念进行进一步的理清,并对民族认同的测量进行统一,以进一步探索民族认同的作用。
Abstract: In this paper we summarized the concept and the model of ethnic identity, even more we enume-rated numerous empirical research of this topic. Numbers of researchers considered that the concept of ethnic group was defined from emotional and cognitive factors in the past. However, researchers added the aspect of behavior in the concept of the ethnic group. The dimension of ethnic identity scale contained self-verification, ethnic group attitudes, sense of the ethnic ascription and ethnic involved. But we noticed that some scales are only suitable to some special ethnic groups at present. Moreover, the model of ethnic identity had gone through a process which from negative attitude to positive attitude. The empirical research of ethnic group identity also found that the ethnic identity could regulate people’s well-being and health. The future research should focus on the concept of ethnic identity and combine the scale of ethnic identity to further exploration.
文章引用:肖子伦, 李书慧 (2017). 民族认同的概念、模型和实证研究述评. 心理学进展, 7(2), 158-163. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.72019


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