An Improved Perturbation and Observation Used in Maximum Power Point Tracking Control of Photovoltaic Power System
DOI: 10.12677/JEE.2017.51001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,512  浏览: 2,857 
作者: 许倩倩, 惠 晶:江南大学轻工过程先进控制教育部重点实验室,江苏 无锡
关键词: 光伏阵列最大功率点跟踪扰动观察法变步长Photovoltaic Array Maximum Power Point Tracking Perturbation and Observation Method Variable Step Size
摘要: 光伏阵列的输出功率是非线性的,为提高太阳能发电的效率,需要进行最大功率点追踪。传统的扰动观测法应用较为广泛,但难以兼顾跟踪精度和响应速度,在光照剧烈变化时会出现误判。针对这些不足,本文提出一种变步长阀值搜索法。改进后的算法能快速搜索到最大功率点,同时抑制在最大功率点附近的波动。利用matlab进行仿真,证明了改进后算法的有效性。
Abstract: The output of the photovoltaic array is nonlinear. In order to improve the efficiency of solar power generation, the maximum power point tracking is needed. Traditional disturbance observation method is widely used, but it is difficult to balance the tracking accuracy and response speed. When the light changes drastically, the traditional method may produce a false judgment. Aiming at these problems, a new method is proposed. The improved algorithm can search the maximum power point quickly, and restrain the fluctuation near the maximum power point. The simulation of photovoltaic system is carried out by MATLAB, and the effectiveness of the improved algorithm is proved.
文章引用:许倩倩, 惠晶. 一种改进的扰动观测法在光伏MPPT中的应用[J]. 电气工程, 2017, 5(1): 1-5. https://doi.org/10.12677/JEE.2017.51001


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