Research on Composition of GDP of Henan Ethnic Minorities
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.63037, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,749  浏览: 2,242 
作者: 李 珍:周口市民政局,河南 周口;刘 霞:周口市种子技术服务站,河南 周口
关键词: 河南省少数民族产业结构特点民族理论Henan Minority Composition of Gross Domestic Product of Ethnic Minorities Ethnic Economy Theory
摘要: 本文以“河南省少数民族产业结构特点研究”为选题,以河南省民族经济为研究对象,在查阅收集历年河南省少数民族经济统计数据,调研河南省民族经济发展状况的基础上,运用马克思主义民族理论和政治经济学理论,并结合经济学、民族学、社会学的相关知识,对掌握的原始数据及材料进行整理分析,将宏观视角与微观视角相结合,利用表格图示等工具对复杂的调研数据和官方统计数据进行分析、归类、对比、评判,如实呈现河南省少数民族经济发展的态势。依据习总书记“全面小康是全体中国人民的小康,不能出现有人掉队”目标要求,论文结合河南经济社会发展要求,探讨破解河南省少数民族经济发展中存在的问题,同富裕的道路。
Abstract: The paper chooses “Research on the Development of the Ethnic Economy in Henan Province in Recent Years” as title, which talks about the topic of minority economy in Henan Province. The thesis collects minority economic statistics in Henan Province in present years. The thesis re-searches the basic situation of minority economic development in Henan Province, with the basic principle of Marx’s national theory and Marx’s economic theory, and with the relevant knowledge of economics, ethnology, and sociology. In this dissertation, with macro and micro perspective, accurate data of development trends of minority economy in Henan province are analyzed, classified, compared and discussed by charts and tables. By investigating the Henan Province minority economic development, the thesis describes that the development of the minority economy remains backward in Henan province. According to XI core “comparatively well-off, no one will be left.”, and to investigate the existing problems and reasons of the problem in Henan Province minority’s economy, the purpose of this paper aims to find out a way which people of all nationalities realize common rich in Henan province.
文章引用:李珍, 刘霞. 河南省少数民族产业结构特点研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(3): 275-281. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.63037


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