Literature Review of Gender and Creativity
摘要: 创造性的性别差异一直以来都是一个都引起研究者和大众广泛的关注与兴趣的话题,但相关的研究结论目前还存在很多争议。研究发现,一些领域的创造性成就存在着很大的性别差异。为了探究这一差异的原因,本文从生理基础、认知策略、社会文化三个方面对性别在创造性成就上的差异做出讨论。
Abstract: The topic of gender differences in creativity generates substantial scientific and public interest, but still highly controversial. Preliminary experiments revealed that there are differences be-tween men and women in creative achievement. To understand gender differences in creative achievement, we try to explore and discuss this topic in three approaches: biological, cognitive strategy and sociocultural.
文章引用:王银婷, 张浩, 李婷婷 (2017). 创造性与性别的研究综述. 心理学进展, 7(3), 354-358. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.73045


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