Dynamic Measurement Research of Ultra-Short Baseline Transducer Axis Rotation Angle
DOI: 10.12677/MET.2017.61003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,610  浏览: 5,197  科研立项经费支持
作者: 丁兆露, 柴永生:烟台大学机电汽车工程学院,山东 烟台;山东省高校先进制造与控制技术重点实验室,山东 烟台;姜曼, 周京, 牟玲龙, 岳艳丽:烟台大学机电汽车工程学院,山东 烟台
关键词: 换能器轴数值模型动态测量最大转角Transducer Axis Numerical Model Dynamic Measurement The Maximum Angle of the Rotation
摘要: 针对“大洋一号”和“向阳红九号”科考船中超短基线换能器轴工作状况及轴的最大转角变化无法预知的实际情况,本文提出了一种无线应变–转角测量方法。该方法主要是通过实时测量轴固定端某部位的应变,建立该应变和末端转角的数值模型,求得换能器轴的最大转角。通过实验探究换能器轴理论转角和实际转角之间的关系,实验证明:应变–转角测试方法能有效地实现最大转角的动态测量,从而为提高超短基线测量精度提供新方法。
Abstract: According to the situation that the typical transducer axis “Ocean 1” or “xiangyang9” on the vessel work status or the maximum turning angle is unknown, a strain-angle testing method has been put forward. This method mainly through real-time measurement of the strain of in portion of the transducer axis, establishing numerical relationship between the strain and angle of the rotation, obtaining maximal rotary angle of transducer axis. The shore trials explore the angle of the rotation relationship between the theory and the fact. Experiment proved that strain-angle test method can effectively achieve the maximum angle dynamic measurement of transducer axis.
文章引用:丁兆露, 柴永生, 姜曼, 周京, 牟玲龙, 岳艳丽. 超短基线换能器轴转角动态测量方法研究[J]. 机械工程与技术, 2017, 6(1): 17-24. https://doi.org/10.12677/MET.2017.61003


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