Study on the Whole Process Technical System of Environment Influence Evaluation of Expressway Project
DOI: 10.12677/AEP.2017.72007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,727  浏览: 4,820 
作者: 姜昆*:天津市东丽区环境保护技术服务站,天津;叶晓颖*:南开大学环境科学与工程学院,天津
关键词: 高速公路环境影响评价评价体系全过程管理Expressway Environment Influence Evaluation Technical Evaluation System Whole Process Management
摘要: 随着高速公路建设事业的快速发展,一系列由于高速公路建设引发的问题也应运而生。高速公路建设中,不可避免的改造现有环境,部分公路建设还涉及到部分环境敏感区,例如医院学校、自然保护区、居民区等。自改革开放以来,我国城市化进程不断加快,高速公路对土地、环境及社会生产生活产生的影响也在发生着重大的变革,因此对开展高速公路环境影响评价工作也提出了新要求。本文在总结中国高速公路项目环境影响评价现状及其存在问题的基础上,初步提出了一整套基于高速公路全寿命管理理论的全过程环境影响评价技术体系。
Abstract: With the rapid development of expressway construction, a series of problems have been raised. It’s inevitable to affect the existing environment as well as expressway projects, even including some environmental sensitive areas, such as hospitals, school, nature reserve, residential areas and so on during the expressway construction period. Furthermore, since the reforming and opening-up, china has entered into the rapid urbanization period in which the land, the environ-ment and the social production have been seriously affected by expressway projects leading to increasing new requirements about the environmental influence evaluation technology of the expressway projects. Therefore, after analyzing the existing problems of the expressway projects and evaluating its effects, this article has put forward a whole process technical evaluation system about expressway projects management based on the life-circle theory of expressway projects management preliminarily.
文章引用:姜昆, 叶晓颖. 高速公路项目全过程环境影响评价技术体系研究[J]. 环境保护前沿, 2017, 7(2): 49-55. https://doi.org/10.12677/AEP.2017.72007


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