REST风格Web API生成工具关键技术的研究
A Study of Key Technologies of REST-Style Web API Generation Tool
DOI: 10.12677/SEA.2017.62004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,854  浏览: 3,375  科研立项经费支持
作者: 高 升, 邓煜荣, 付军年, 徐晓岚:广东海洋大学,广东 湛江
关键词: 代码生成Web APIJavaRESTHATEOASCode Generation Web API Java REST HATEOAS
摘要: 为了满足快速开发REST风格的Web API的需求,将现有的开源MVC和ORM框架技术相结合,实现代码生成工具,详细设计系统架构和功能模块,利用模块化的方式实现一个具有扩展性的模块化代码和配置文件生成功能的REST风格Web API生成工具,重点阐述以类信息为基础的代码生成、数据信息分析等关键技术。
Abstract: To meet the requirement of rapid development of REST-Style Web API, the code generation tool is constructed, which combines with open source MVC and ORM framework. By using the concept of modular development, the architecture and function module are designed to construct REST-Style Web API generation tool with function of modular Java code and configuration file generation tool and extendibility. The technologies of code generation based on class information and data information analysis are discussed.
文章引用:高升, 邓煜荣, 付军年, 徐晓岚. REST风格Web API生成工具关键技术的研究[J]. 软件工程与应用, 2017, 6(2): 28-39.


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