Research on Development of Henan Ethnic Minorities Agriculture
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.64053, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,758  浏览: 5,442 
作者: 李 珍:周口市民政局,河南 周口;刘 霞:周口市种子技术服务站,河南 周口
关键词: 河南省少数民族经济河南省少数民族农业民族理论Henan Minority Economy Henan Minority Agriculture Ethnic Economy Theory
摘要: 本文以“河南省少数民族农业发展研究”为选题,以河南省少数民族农业为研究对象,在查阅收集历年河南省少数民族农业统计数据的基础上,对掌握的原始数据及材料进行整理分析,总结了河南省少数民族农业发展的态势和特点,针对少数民族农业发展处于短板,长期滞后的现实,给出了促进河南省农业发展的一些建设性意见。
Abstract: This paper researches on the development of the ethnic economy in Henan Province in recent years, which talks about the topic of minority agriculture in Henan Province. This paper takes Minority agriculture in Henan Province as the research object, by collecting statistical data of minority agriculture in Henan Province over years. By analyzing the original data and mastering the material, this paper summarizes the minority agricultural development in Henan Province. Under the situation of short development of the minority agricultural, the suggestions are proposed to promote the development of agriculture in Henan province.
文章引用:李珍, 刘霞. 河南省少数民族农业发展研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(4): 390-396. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.64053


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