Development Experiences of Maritime Economy of Major Foreign Nations and Implications
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2017.72012, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,305  浏览: 7,687  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张嘉琪, 黄庆波:大连海事大学,辽宁 大连
关键词: 海洋经济经验启示Maritime Economy Experience Revelation
摘要: 本文研究了世界主要海洋国家发展海洋经济的经验和特点,并总结出对我国发展海洋经济有益的启示。研究认为,由于国情不同,各国在发展海洋经济时都拥有具有本国特色的发展模式和发展路径,但究其根本,发展海洋经济的根本目标始终是为国家利益服务。对于我国来说,要实现中国梦,要实现中华民族的伟大复兴,提高我国的综合国力是根本手段。综合国力的提高包括海洋强国的建设,而海洋强国的建设需要海洋经济的发展提供巨大的推动力,同时海洋经济的发展还有利于提升我国经济抗风险性。因此,发达国家发展海洋经济的相关战略为我国发展海洋经济提供了有益的经验借鉴。
Abstract: Based on the research of features and experience of maritime economy of major foreign countries, this paper summarizes the strategies that are appropriate for maritime economy of China. The study suggests that each country takes its own path with its own features, due to different national conditions. But the basic target of the development of maritime economy is to serve for national interest. As for China, to realize China Dream and great rejuvenation of Chinese nation, enhancing comprehensive national strength is the basic measure. Comprehensive national strength includes the construction of maritime power. The construction of maritime power requires the development of maritime economy to get great impetus and the development of maritime economy can help China prevent the risk. Therefore, relative strategies of maritime economy of major foreign countries provide China with beneficial examples.
文章引用:张嘉琪, 黄庆波. 世界主要国家海洋经济的发展经验及借鉴[J]. 可持续发展, 2017, 7(2): 92-101.


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