Benner’s from Novice to Expert Model and Its Application in Nursing Practice
DOI: 10.12677/NS.2017.62015, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,134  浏览: 6,848 
作者: 袁浩斌*:澳门理工学院,澳门
关键词: Benner从新手到专家模式护理实践运用Benner From Novice to Expert Model Nursing Practice Application
摘要: 依据Benner的理论,护士随着工作经验逐渐丰富,专业知识不断积累,护理能力也渐渐提高。从新手到专家模式描述了临床护士的护理专业知识与技能的发展过程。本文概括了该模式的哲学思想、主要内容以及护理实践中的运用,并提出了需进一步探究的问题。
Abstract: According to Benner’s theory, the professional knowledge has continuously accumulated and nursing abilities also have gradually improved along with nurses’ working experience being plentiful. From novice to expert model describes the development process of professional knowledge and skills of the clinical nurses. This paper summarized the philosophical thought, main contents and its application in nursing practice, and proposed some issues which need further exploration.
文章引用:袁浩斌. Benner的从新手到专家模式及其在护理实践中的运用[J]. 护理学, 2017, 6(2): 76-79.


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