Classroom Use Problem of Chinese Curriculum Resources of Basic Education and Corresponding Countermeasure Research in Information Age
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.52025, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,519  浏览: 4,348  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王 琴, 李先锋:乐山师范学院文学与新闻学院,四川 乐山
关键词: 信息时代基础教育语文课程资源使用Information Age Basic Education Chinese Curriculum Resources Use
摘要: 在信息时代大背景下,新课改理念不断深入,教师使用课程资源的意识不断增强,尤其是使用多媒体频率加大,影像、图片等课程资源使用已成为一种常态。与此同时,语文课堂课程资源使用也面临着一些问题,存在着内容筹划不合理、形式呈现随意、学生收效甚微三大问题。本文针对如何有效运用语文课堂课程资源这一问题进行分析探讨,主要从教师角度提出具体对策,从而能够充分、有效利用课程资源,提高课堂效率。
Abstract: In the information era, with new curriculum reform constantly deepening, and teachers enhancing the consciousness of the curriculum resources, especially the increasing use frequency of multimedia, curriculum resources such as video, images, etc., have become the norm. At the same time, the use of Chinese curriculum resources is faced with some problems. There are three big questions: Unreasonable content planning, casual form, little effect on students. This paper analyzes and discusses how to effectively use Chinese curriculum resources, and proposes the concrete strategy, mainly from the perspective of teachers, so that they can fully and effectively use curriculum resources to improve the classroom efficiency.
文章引用:王琴, 李先锋. 信息时代基础教育语文课程资源课堂使用问题及对策研究[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(2): 153-159.


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