From Inferiority to Confidence: Discussion of the Course of Shen Congwen’s Early Creation
摘要: 文学创作风格的形成因素是多方面的,就创作主体来说,创作心理对创作有着重要影响。创作心理不仅可以为文学创作提供动力,还会以自身的发展变化带动创作的发展变化。沈从文的创作与其人生经历密切相关。小学学历,苗族血统,“乡下人”和都市的窘境使沈从文形成了自卑心理与逆反心理,而且在1924年~1936年间随着现实环境的变化不断发展深化,进而影响了沈从文的创作,使其创作由第一阶段的“原型湘西”向第二阶段的“文化湘西”转化。但是自卑感和逆反心理是可以被超越的,最终沈从文超越了自卑心理和身份认同的焦虑,以文学创作实现了自我救赎,实现了内心情感的抒发,并以其独特的生命体验和文学审美,表达了其人生的与文学的理想。
Abstract: The formation factors of the literary creation style are dimensional. As far as the creative subject is concerned, the psychology of creation has an important influence on the creation. Psychology can not only provide impetus for literary creation, but also promote the development and change of creation with its own development. Shen Congwen’s creation is closely related to his life experience. Primary school education, Hmong descent, “rural people” and the plight of the city make Shen Congwen from the formation of inferiority complex and rebellious psychology, and in 1924- 1936 years with the change of the realistic environment, it continues to develop deepen, thereby affecting the creation of Shen Congwen, which is created by the first phase of the “prototype” of Xiangxi to the second stage of the “cultural Xiangxi” transformation. But the sense of inferiority and rebellious psychology can be transcended; eventually Shen Congwen beyond the inferiority and identity anxiety in literary creation to achieve self salvation, the inner feelings, and its unique life experience and literary aesthetic, expressing his life and literary ideal.
文章引用:于静静. 从自卑到自信:论沈从文早期创作的心路历程[J]. 世界文学研究, 2017, 5(2): 55-65. https://doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2017.52009


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