Designing of the Public Bicycle Anti-Theft System Based on Beidou and Geo-Fencing
DOI: 10.12677/GST.2017.53014, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,633  浏览: 4,125  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 吴竞妍, 隋芯, 孙昱昌, 郭兆清:南京信息工程大学地理与遥感学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 北斗通信公共自行车防盗地理围栏霍尔感应器Beidou Communication Public Bicycle Anti-Theft Geo-Fencing Hall Sensor
摘要: 针对频繁发生而难以得到有效治理的自行车盗窃问题,该文提出了基于北斗和地理围栏的公共自行车防盗系统。通过将北斗特有的短报文双向通信功能与新型的地理围栏技术相结合,实现了自动监测用户自行车是否超出围栏范围并进行报警追踪的功能。在本系统中,用户在上位机中个性设置的内容将会通过GPRS传输给单片机,同时北斗内核将定位到的自行车实时位置信息与用户设置的围栏范围进行对比。当检测到车辆超出围栏范围时,北斗内核发出短报文警告给用户并通过单片机触发蜂鸣器报警。用户接到短报文警告后,对自行车是否经过授权被移至围栏范围外的具体情况进行判断,从而做出相应对策。研究结果表明,该系统可以有效降低自行车被盗风险。
Abstract: In order to solve the problem of bicycle theft, which is difficult to be effectively managed, this paper proposed a Public Bicycle Anti-theft System Based on Beidou and Geo-fencing. By combining Beidou’s unique two-way communication function through short message with the new Geo-fencing technology, the system has realized the automatic function of monitoring whether users’ bicycles are out of fence range and conducting alarm tracking. In this system, the contents set up by users with host computers could be transmitted to the microcontroller by GPRS. At the same time, Beidou kernel would compare the bicycles’ real-time location information with the fence range set by users. When the vehicle is detected beyond the fence range, Beidou kernel will send a short message to the user and trigger the buzzer alarm through the microcontroller. After receiving the short message warning, users can identify the specific circumstances whether their bicycles were authorized to be moved outside the fence range, so as to take appropriate countermeasures. Research results showed that the system can effectively reduce the risk of bicycle theft.
文章引用:吴竞妍, 隋芯, 孙昱昌, 郭兆清. 基于北斗和地理围栏的公共自行车防盗系统设计[J]. 测绘科学技术, 2017, 5(3): 119-126. https://doi.org/10.12677/GST.2017.53014


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