Investigation the Rational Development and Utilization Cloud Water Resources of Altay Mountains
DOI: 10.12677/CCRL.2017.63021, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,323  浏览: 3,274  国家科技经费支持
作者: 李 焕*:中国气象局乌鲁木齐沙漠气象研究所,新疆 阿勒泰;哈巴河县气象局,新疆 哈巴河;胥执强:吉木乃县气象局,新疆 吉木乃;李书啸, 吐尔逊, 塔拉甫汗:哈巴河县气象局,新疆 哈巴河;李海花:中国气象局乌鲁木齐沙漠气象研究所,新疆 阿勒泰;阿勒泰地区气象局,新疆 阿勒泰
关键词: 云水资源必要性可行性阿尔泰山Cloud Water Resources Necessity Feasibility Altay Mountains
摘要: 随着全球变暖等气候问题的发展,人工影响天气技术被频繁运用,比如通过人工降雨来增加降雨量,缓解温度上升带来的干旱问题;利用人工增雨降低都市空气可吸入颗粒物等,越来越被人民所重视。根据人工影响天气工作积累的资料和阿勒泰地区地理、气候条件,探讨开发利用阿尔泰山空中云水资源的必要性和可行性,提出了进一步加大开发利用阿尔泰山空中云水资源的措施和实施方案,旨在对人工影响天气的业务建设提供参考依据,更好地为领导做出正确的决策及我区尽快实施人工增水工程提供有利的科学依据。
Abstract: Under the background of global warming, weather modification technology is frequently used. For example, artificial rainfall operations can increase rainfall, mitigate droughts, and reduce airborne particles, so it is paid more attention than before. According to implements of weather modification projects and geographical & climatic conditions of Altay regions, in this paper, we discuss the necessity and feasibility of development and utilization of Altay mountains’ cloud wa-ter resources and propose the corresponding implementation measures. Our aim is to provide a guide for designing artificial weather modification operations and a favorable scientific basis for making the right decisions by the government on these operations.
文章引用:李焕, 胥执强, 李书啸, 李海花, 吐尔逊, 塔拉甫汗. 合理开发利用阿尔泰山空中云水资源的探讨[J]. 气候变化研究快报, 2017, 6(3): 195-201. https://doi.org/10.12677/CCRL.2017.63021


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