The Recharge, Runoff and Discharge Characteristics of Groundwater in Hunchun Basin and the Influencing Factors
DOI: 10.12677/ME.2017.53014, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,544  浏览: 3,730  国家科技经费支持
作者: 石旭飞*, 赵海卿, 郭晓东:中国地质调查局沈阳地质调查中心/沈阳地质矿产研究所,辽宁 沈阳
关键词: 地下水补径排条件水循环珲春盆地Groundwater The Recharge Runoff and Discharge Characteristics Water Cycle Hunchun Basin
摘要: 本次研究对珲春盆地地下水位进行了测量,利用测量数据分析了珲春盆地地下水的补给、径流和排泄特征及其影响因素。总体上,珲春盆地地下水位东部高、西部低,由山前地带向珲春河河谷地带、从东北向西南方向径流。在北部山前地区,地下水由北向南径流;东部山前地区地下水由东向西径流;南部山前地区地下水由东南向西北方向径流。水力坡度由山前向平原逐渐减小。除接受大气降水补给外,研究区在七户洞村、和平村、新华村、红星村、支边村等地接受基岩山区侧向径流补给;中华村、春景村、东岗村、南秦孟村等地是地下水径流区;研究区地下水在八家子村、沙坨子村、西崴子村等向图们江排泄。
Abstract: The groundwater level of Hunchun Basin was measured, and the recharge, runoff and discharge characteristics of groundwater in Hunchun Basin and the influencing factors are analyzed by using the measured data. Generally, the groundwater level in the Hunchun Basin is high in the east and low in the west. It flows from the piedmont belt to the Hunchun River valley which is from northeast to southwest. The groundwater flows from north to south in the northern piedmont area; the groundwater in the eastern piedmont area flows from east to west; the groundwater in the southern piedmont area flows from southeast to northwest. The hydraulic gradient gradually decreases from the piedmont to the plain. The groundwater is recharged from the bedrock area in Qihudong village, Heping village, Xinhua village, Hongxing village, Zhibian village etc. The Zhonghua village, Chunjing village, Donggang village, Nanqinmeng village are groundwater runoff areas. The groundwater is discharged to Tumen River in Bajiazi village, Shatuozi village, Xiwaizi village etc.
文章引用:石旭飞, 赵海卿, 郭晓东. 珲春盆地地下水补径排条件及其影响因素[J]. 矿山工程, 2017, 5(3): 95-99. https://doi.org/10.12677/ME.2017.53014


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