The Application Evaluation of Enriched Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Combined with Arificial Bone for Spine Fusion
DOI: 10.12677/MS.2017.75071, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,561  浏览: 5,079  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 廖 羽, 曾怡乐, 杨 明, 谢欣蓉, 程丽佳:成都大学医学院,四川 成都
关键词: 骨髓干细胞脊柱融合术磷酸钙羟基磷灰石Bone Marrow Stem Cells Spinal Fusion Calcium Phosphate Hydroxyapatite
摘要: 对现有高水平的论文进行整合,评价富集骨髓干细胞技术结合生物复合材料在脊柱融合中的疗效,为进一步的研究提供思路和参考。依次检索Pubmed、ScienceDerict、CNKI三个数据库中关于富集骨髓干细胞技术结合生物复合材料脊柱融合的文章,选择相关度最高的文章进行评价。结论得出富集骨髓干细胞技术结合生物复合材料在脊柱融合中有利于成骨,并且具有较好的可行性和安全性,将为未来的研究提供一定意义上的指导。
Abstract: Through the integration of the existing high level paper, to evaluate the therapeutic effect of en-riched bone marrow stem cell technology and biocomposites in spinal fusion, and to provide ideas and references for further study. The articles about enriched bone marrow stem cell technology and biocomposites in spinal fusion in the three databases of Pubmed, ScienceDerict, and CNKI have been retrieved, and the articles with the highest relevance have been selected to evaluate. Conclusion: The combination of bone marrow stem cell technology and biocomposites in spinal fusion is beneficial to osteosynthesis, and it is feasible and safe. It will provide some guidance for future research.
文章引用:廖羽, 曾怡乐, 杨明, 谢欣蓉, 程丽佳. 自体富集骨髓干细胞复合人工骨材料在脊柱融合中的应用评价[J]. 材料科学, 2017, 7(5): 536-541. https://doi.org/10.12677/MS.2017.75071


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