Research on the Impact of the Economic Radiation Power on the Real Estate Industry of the Metropolitan Area: Based on the Input-Output Analysis of Hebei Province, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.75028, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,511  浏览: 6,324 
作者: 张亚宁*, 宿 洁:中央财经大学管理科学与工程学院,北京
关键词: 城市群经济辐射房地产业感应度分析影响力分析Metropolitan Area Economics Radiation Power Real Estate Industry The Sensitivity Analysis The Impact Analysis
摘要: 本文以我国两个重要的城市群——京津冀和长三角城市群为研究范围,站在被辐射城市的角度,运用河北省、江苏省和浙江省三年42部门的投入产出表从前向推动和后向拉动两个方面研究城市群中心城市对周边省份房地产业的影响及差异,找到两个城市群被辐射城市房地产发展存在的差异的根源,并进一步提出发展建议。研究表明,经济辐射对三省房地产的发展都有着重要影响,落后的经济和不完善的基础设施是产生差异的主要原因,河北省房地产发展呈现自身相关性较低、专业化分工程度不高、政策性较强等特点,其发展过度依赖于外部需求,江苏省和浙江省房地产的需求和消费大多来自内部,形成了良性发展。最后针对这些差异,为三省的房地产行业发展提出了建议。
Abstract: In order to explore the influence and differences of the economic radiation power of the central city in the metropolitan area on the estate industry of the cities around, discover the cause of the differences and put forward further development proposals, this paper takes the two important metropolitan area as the research scope, stands by the angle of the radiation cities, and uses the Hebei Province, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang province’s 42-sector input-output tables of 3 years to conduct a study from the aspects of both push and pull effect. The study shows that the economics radiation power has significant influence on the three provinces, and the backward economy and imperfect infrastructure are the main reasons for the difference. And the demand as well as the consumption of real estate in Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province is mostly from themselves, and thus it leads to a healthy development. Moreover, features such as low autocorrelation, low degree of specialization and high policy exist in the real estate of Hebei Province, and the development of real estate is over-reliance on external demand. But the demand and the consumption of the real estate in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province are from inside, which lead to a healthy development. Finally we make suggestions for the development of real estate in the three Province.
文章引用:张亚宁, 宿洁. 城市群房地产行业受经济辐射作用的影响研究——基于河北省、江苏省、浙江省的投入产出数据分析[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(5): 201-210. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.75028


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