The Modulation of Stimulus Presentation and Lag Length on Repetition Priming of Pictures
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.79139, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,564  浏览: 3,681  国家科技经费支持
作者: 聂爱情, 付 乔:浙江大学心理与行为科学系,浙江 杭州
关键词: 重复启动重复启动效应时间间隔概念启动知觉启动Repetition Priming Repetition Priming Effect Lag Length Conceptual Priming Perceptual Priming
摘要: 已有研究表明,重复启动效应为刺激预存知识表征所影响,刺激样例变换和启动刺激呈现方向分别能引起概念启动和知觉启动,且重复启动效应和重复启动效应量均受非启动刺激与启动刺激间的时间间隔所影响。然而,尚未有研究同时对引发概念启动和知觉启动的条件进行控制,更未探究上述条件下时间间隔对两类启动的影响。鉴于此,本研究以图形为实验材料,通过变换启动图形的样例、呈现方向以及非启动图形与启动图形间的时间间隔展开研究。结果显示,图形存在重复启动效应,为自上而下的加工观提供可靠证据;样例变换和启动图形呈现方向均可影响重复启动效应和重复启动效应量;由样例变换引起的概念启动和由启动图形呈现方向变换引起的知觉启动均随非启动图形与启动图形间的时间间隔的增加而削弱,支持加工过程框架。
Abstract: Previous studies have demonstrated that repetition priming effect is modulated by the pre-existing representation of stimuli. In addition, studies have observed the conceptual priming effect in the case of exemplar exchange and the perceptual priming effect in the case of orientation transformation of primed stimuli. However, no research has controlled the conceptual priming and the perceptual priming simultaneously, or has further explored the influence of lag length on the above two types of priming. In order to address these issues, the present experiment adopted 850 pictures as materials, and manipulated the lag length between unprimed and primed stimuli (including immediate and delayed repetition), and the stimulus presentation (exemplar exchange and orientation transformation of primed stimuli). The analysis showed that the repetition priming effects of both accuracy and reaction time were modulated by exemplar exchange, orientation transformation of primed pictures, as well as lag length. The analysis showed that the strength of repetition priming effect of accuracy was sensitive to the factors of exemplar exchange, orientation transformation of primed pictures, and lag length; the strength of repetition priming effect of reaction time was sensitive to the interaction of exemplar exchange and lag length. In conclusion, the robust repetition priming effect and its strength in pictures supports top-down processing. The sensitivity of repetition priming effect and the strength of repetition priming effect to both exemplar exchange and orientation transformation of primed stimuli suggest we record significant conceptual priming and perceptual priming. Our data also show that the conceptual priming induced by exemplar exchange and the perceptual priming induced by orientation transformation of primed stimuli are sensitive to the lag length between unprimed and primed stimuli, strengthening the memory processing framework.
文章引用:聂爱情, 付乔 (2017). 刺激呈现方式和时间间隔对重复启动效应的影响. 心理学进展, 7(9), 1113-1121. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.79139


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