Research for the Economic Development of Hebei Area in Tang Dynasty
摘要: 唐代前期河北道的水利设施冠于全国,在其诸州中,水利设施以沧州、冀州、赵州分居一、二、三名。太行山东路南北走廊驿道是古今中原通向东北的最主要大道,还有数条联系境外的道路,而内河航运的主要水道永济渠是联系河北与京师的枢纽;濒临渤海的平州、幽州、蓟州、沧州等在交通运输上具有重要地位;河北道是主粮粟、麦及水稻的产区之一,尤其是粟,安史之乱前或后,河北道均是主要产区;河北道的纺织业自古名闻全国,博陵、魏郡、清河等地的纺织业最为发达,许多州县的进贡物非绫即绢;金、银、铜、铁、锡、铅、盐、水银、硃砂等矿产上,虽远不及江南道与岭南道的类多与丰富,可是定州的铜、沧州的盐是国内主要来源之一;此外,河北道是唐代制瓷业的主要产地,河北道的制瓷业又集中在邢州;易州的制墨及河间、景城、清河、博平四郡的制笔在全国都具有一席之地。
Abstract: In the early stage of Tang dynasty, the water conservancy facilities in Hebei area was the best in the country, and in the states in this area, Cangzhou, Jizhou, Zhaozhou ranked respectively the first, second and third. In eastern Mount Taihang, the post road along north-south corridor is the main way from Zhongyuan to the northeast China, and there are several outbound roads to contact with other areas. Besides, the main inland waterway for transport is the Yongji canal which is the pivot to contact Hebei with the capital. Pingzhou, Youzhou, Jizhou, Cangzhou, which are close to the Bohai Sea, take the important position in the transport. Hebei is one of the main producing area of the staple food millet, wheat and rice. Especially the millet, before or after the An-Shi Disturbances, Hebei is the main producing area. The textile industry in Hebei area has been famous in the country since ancient times, in Boling, Weijun, Qinghe, the textile industry is most developed, and the trib-utes from many states and counties are just the thin or tough silk. Though gold, silver, cuprum, fer-rum, stannum, plumbum, salt, and other minerals so on, are far less various and less rich than the Jiangnan and Lingnan areas, the cuprum of Dingzhou and salt of Cangzhou are one of the leading produce. In addition, Hebei area is the leading producer of porcelain in Tang dynasty, and its industry of porcelain focuses on Xingzhou. The Chinese ink of Yizhou and the brush pen of Hejian, Jing-cheng, Qinghe and Boping has respectively a place in the whole country.
文章引用:熊辉. 唐代河北道的经济发展考证[J]. 历史学研究, 2017, 5(3): 22-31. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2017.53004


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