Research on the Influence of Slash-and-Burn Cultivation to Ecological Environment in Yunnan
DOI: 10.12677/IJE.2017.64018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,558  浏览: 3,506 
作者: 龙荣华, 陶 磅:云南省农业科学院园艺作物研究所,云南 昆明;唐 婷, 浦恩达:云南省农业科学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 刀耕火种生态环境研究云南Slash-and-Burn Cultivation Ecological Environment Research Yunnan
摘要: 刀耕火种农业是一些地区在集气候、地形、植被、民俗、劳动力等特定的环境中进行农事操作的耕作方式之一。在类似云南各山地民族地区开展刀耕火种进行农事耕作的方式,是集民俗、植被、气候为一体的独特生态智慧和知识,所以说,一个民族的刀耕火种农事耕作方式就是一个集民俗为一体的文化生态体系。由于人口的增加和社会的变迁,导致刀耕火种对生态系统产生了负面影响,但刀耕火种作为民族地区和一种农业文化遗产,必须要受到保护,因此,笔者提出几点建议供决策者或学者参考。
Abstract: Slash-and-burn cultivation agriculture is a kind of tillage model which happens in the climate, topography, vegetation, folk customs, labor etc. of some national regions in a specific environment. Taking slash-and-burn cultivation agriculture to plant crop that is the collection folk customs, vegetation, climate is one of the unique ecological wisdom and knowledge in similar to the mountain minority areas in Yunnan, so planting model of each national’s slash-and-burn cultivation is an integrated collection folk system of cultural ecology. The slash-and-burn cultivation now is negative to the ecology because of the human increasing and the changes of society, but as a cultural heritage of the national regions, slash-and-burn cultivation should be protected, so the author puts forward several suggestions for reference to decision-makers and scholars.
文章引用:龙荣华, 唐婷, 陶磅, 浦恩达. 刀耕火种对云南生态环境的影响研究[J]. 世界生态学, 2017, 6(4): 153-158. https://doi.org/10.12677/IJE.2017.64018


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