Analyses of Key Factors to Effect CET3 Scores Taken by Different Majors in Vocational Colleges
摘要: 笔者使用Excel和Origin软件,对本校不同主修专业的非英语专业学生的CET3 (大学英语三级考试)成绩进行统计分析,采用群体平均和多年总和的方法排除偶然因素的干扰,使内在关键因素得以凸显。通过分析发现,全校8个不同主修专业的系(院)中,外语系非英语专业(俄语、西班牙语、日语、韩语)学生在历年CET3考试平均成绩、二次考试成绩提升幅度和适应试题难度等方面表现出明显优于其它非语言专业学生的现象。研究结果表明,导致这种现象的关键因素,不在于人们通常关注的师资水平、学生基础、教学模式等因素,而在于外语系非英语专业学生经过了主修专业的跨文化交流能力训练,具备了更强的跨文化理解能力。受此启发,在非语言专业的高职英语教学过程中,在指导学生掌握英语语言知识的同时,注重非语言专业学生跨文化理解能力缺失的补救,让学生更多了解西方历史和人文背景知识,提升学生对所学内容的跨文化理解能力,应该是提升高职非语言专业学生英语教学效果的有效途径。
Abstract: The author applied Excel and Origin software to count and analyze the CET3 (College English Tests 3) scores taken by different majors (non-English majors) in TCZJ (Tourism College of Zhejiang). In order to remove accidental disturbances, this article employs the group-average formula and sum-for-years formula to analyze data to highlight the internal key factors. Taken all the analyses into consideration, a conclusion can be drawn that minor-language majors in TCZJ (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian majors) have the best performance on English test among all the non-  English majors from 8 departments. To some degree, it reflects that minor-language majors, with the highest average scores from every test, are most capable of adapting themselves to the changes and reform of the English test and have made the biggest progress in 2 successive tests. Through analyses, a conclusion can be drawn that the key factors to cause this phenomenon does not include areas as teachers’ qualifications, students’ language proficiency and teaching models, but are closely related to the students’ intercultural communication skills. The minor-language majors in TCZJ are required to take the intercultural communication courses. Through the course training, those students have better understanding of different cultures and better skills to communicate through different cultures. On the basis of this new-found conclusion, an efficient way to improve the proficiency of college English teaching had been figured out: improving the student’s intercultural understanding ability and their understanding of the cultural background of the target language during the process of teaching English.
文章引用:方峥. 高职学生CET3成绩受主修专业影响的关键因素剖析[J]. 职业教育, 2017, 6(4): 100-109. https://doi.org/10.12677/VE.2017.64019


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