The Exploration and Thinking of Co-construction Logging Engineering Laboratory by University and Enterprises
摘要: 建设录井技术与工程专业发展相适应的实验室,不仅是确保教学质量、提高科研服务能力的重要条件之一,也是开展录井技术基础研究、促进录井行业发展的必要条件,更是整个录井行业共同的期盼。从录井专业发展具体情况、实验室建设的指导思想、规划中的实验室组成与功能、校企合作共建等方面,对录井技术与工程专业实验室建设进行探讨。通过校企合作共建实验室,发挥高校和企业各自优势,实现教育与生产可持续发展,是实验室建设和发展的新模式。从校企共建实验室的管理模式、促进措施等方面进行实践与思考,通过共建录井实验室表明,该措施有利于建立全过程、多层次、内容丰富的新颖实践教学体系,培养学生专业技能和创新能力,促进录井技术的进步与录井行业的发展。
Abstract: Building the lab of mud logging technology and engineering was not only an important condition to ensure teaching quality and improve scientific research and service capacity, but also a neces-sary condition for conducting basic mud logging technology research and promoting the development of mud logging, and also the hope of the whole mud logging industry. This paper introduced the development of mud logging discipline, guiding ideology of the lab construction, planned components and functions of the lab, and the co-construction mode of university and enterprises. As a new mode of lab construction and development, co-construction of lab can give full play to the advantages of the university and enterprise, to realize sustainable development of teaching and production. In terms of management mode and promotion measures, the co-construction of mud logging lab is helpful for building new practical teaching system with a whole process, multiple level and rich content, for cultivating the special skills and innovative capability of students and promoting the advancement of mud logging technology and industry.
文章引用:刘岩, 陈恭洋, 田永晶, 印森林, 冯伟, 刘兆良, 程乐利, 刘善勇, 龙隆. 校企共建录井工程实验室的探索与思考[J]. 石油天然气学报, 2017, 39(5): 9-17. https://doi.org/10.12677/JOGT.2017.395061


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