Emergency Water Diversion Based on Drought Forecasting
DOI: 10.12677/JWRR.2017.66068, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,435  浏览: 3,162 
作者: 邢威洲:河北省邯郸水文水资源勘测局,河北 邯郸
关键词: 土壤墒情监测含水量灌溉调水模型Soil Moisture Monitoring Soil Moisture Content Irrigation Water Transfer Model
摘要: 对于水资源严重匮乏的地区,遇到旱情较严重的枯水季节,受地下水压采限制,区域性调水成为必然。针对枯水期水量少,可选择的水源限制,调水成本相对增加,为使有限的水资源发挥最大效益,必须准确把握调水时机。在农业灌溉期,通过农作物的生长特性、土壤墒情监测数据,预测农作物的缺水时限,结合输水河渠的特性建立应急调水数学模型,实现点对点精准灌溉,最大限度减少输水损失,保证调水灌溉效率最大化。
Abstract: For severe water shortage areas, it is necessary for regional water transfer to be restricted by underground water pressure during the severe drought season. In view of the low water resources, the optional water source limitation and the relative increase of water transfer cost, the water transfer time must be accurately controlled in order to maximize the limited water resources. In agricultural irrigation, a mathematical model is established based on the soil moisture monitoring data, crop growth, dry time prediction of crop, and the emergency water diversion water canal characteristics. The point implementation of precision irrigation is used to minimize water loss and maximize water diversion irrigation efficiency.
文章引用:邢威洲. 基于旱情预报条件下的应急调水研究[J]. 水资源研究, 2017, 6(6): 585-593. https://doi.org/10.12677/JWRR.2017.66068


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