Foreign Trade Merchandiser Professional Job Certification Vision—A Study on the Revision of the Textbook
摘要: 当前职业资格认证制度在职业领域得到认同与推广,其信度和效度始终是关注的焦点,外贸跟单员职业上岗考试也是这样。基于对外贸跟单员职业资格认证的发展背景、现实问题、可能走势的分析,提出了促进自然人口转换为高效能人力资源的跟单员岗位考证的三级梯度进阶制度。基于现实分析,对如何保证考证进阶制度切实可行,完善低阶定位的外贸跟单员上岗资格的认证,促成外贸跟单员考证用书的修订提出了建议。
Abstract: The current professional qualification system is recognized and popularized in the professional field, and its reliability and validity are always the focus of attention, so does foreign trade merchandiser professional job certification examination. Based on the analysis of the development background, the actual problem and the possible trend of the professional qualification of the merchandiser, the paper puts forward the three-level gradient advanced system of the Merchandiser’s post for the transformation of the natural population into high-efficiency human resources. And the paper also suggests how to ensure that the advanced system is feasible, how to promote the certification of the qualification of the merchandiser with the low-level positioning, and how to revise the booklet for foreign trade.
文章引用:吴蕴. 外贸跟单员职业上岗考试愿景—兼考证用书修订探究[J]. 职业教育, 2017, 6(4): 115-120. https://doi.org/10.12677/VE.2017.64021


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