Construction of Virtual Simulation Experimental System for Punching Forming and Research on Key Technologies
DOI: 10.12677/MOS.2017.64023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,798  浏览: 3,479  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李 秀, 吴和保*:武汉工程大学机电工程学院,湖北 武汉;范淑媛, 廖敦明, 孙 飞:华中科技大学材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉
关键词: Unity3D三维交互虚拟仿真碰撞检测实验教学Unity3D Three-Dimensional Interactive Virtual Simulation Collision Detection Experimental Teaching
摘要: 为了解决目前高校机械专业实验设备价格昂贵、数量少、安全性差等问题,本文构建了一套基于Unity3D技术,具有高仿真性、强交互性的冲压成形虚拟仿真实验系统。通过对模型的建立与优化、系统漫游、碰撞检测等关键技术的研究,设计了具有演示模式、操作模式、认知模式的虚拟冲压实验系统。该系统依据板料冲裁间隙实验的实验原理,详细地模拟了金属板料冲裁实验的全过程,实现了冲压实验过程演示、模具拆装展示、设备认知和实验操作,获得了较好的实验教学效果。
Abstract: In order to solve the problems of high cost, low quantity, poor experimental safety of mechanical equipment in current college, a virtual punching experimental system, based on Unity3D technology, which has high-fidelity simulation and strong interaction is constructed. Virtual punching experimental system which has demonstration mode, operation mode and cognitive mode, is designed through the research on model establishment, optimization technology, system roaming and collision detection technology. According to the experimental principle of sheet punching clearance experiment, the system simulates the whole process of sheet metal punching experiment in detail, implements the punching process demonstration, mold assembly and disassembly display, equipment cognition and experimental operation, and obtains good experimental teaching results.
文章引用:李秀, 吴和保, 范淑媛, 廖敦明, 孙飞. 冲压成形虚拟仿真实验系统构建与关键技术研究[J]. 建模与仿真, 2017, 6(4): 195-201. https://doi.org/10.12677/MOS.2017.64023


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