Quantitative Analysis of Energy Consumption and Emission of Plant-Mixed Cold Recycling Roadbase for Reconstruction Project
DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2017.66069, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,636  浏览: 3,237  科研立项经费支持
作者: 鲁圣弟:安徽省交通控股集团有限公司,安徽 合肥;沈艺奇*, 扈惠敏:合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院,安徽 合肥
关键词: 厂拌冷再生混合料基层能耗排放量化分析Plant-Mixed Cold Recycled Mixture Roadbase Energy Consumption Emissions Quantitative Analysis
摘要: 针对高速公路沥青路面大修工程中的旧路面铣刨、原材料生产以及冷再生混合料施工三个阶段,采用全寿命周期法,建立路面冷再生基层能源消耗与排放的量化分析模型,在现场数据调查基础上,量化分析冷再生基层的能耗与排放。结果表明,生产1 t再生集料的能耗与排放相比于生产1 t石灰岩集料减少34.0%和40.9%。1 t冷再生混合料(原材料生产期、施工期)的能耗与排放为7.246 kgce、20.17 kg,冷再生混合料施工期能耗、排放占比较低,分别是生产期和施工期总和的13.6%、12.6%。每铺筑1 t冷再生基层总能耗与排放比大粒径沥青碎石基层分别下降42.5%、41.6%,可减少能耗与排放5.36 kgce、14.34 kg,冷再生基层的能耗降低最主要在于拌和环节,减少能耗4.06 kgce。
Abstract: In view of the milling of old pavement, the producing of raw materials and the constructing of recycling pavement, the quantitative analysis model for energy consumption and emissions of cold recycling roadbase was established with life cycle analysis method, analyzing energy consumption and emissions of plant-mixed cold recycled roadbase base on the field survey data. The results show that compared with producing 1 t limestone aggregate, the energy consumption and emissions of producing 1 t recycled aggregated are declined by 34.0% and 40.9%. The energy consumption of construction stage of plant-mixed cold recycling roadbase is only 13.6% of the total which are 7.246 kgce and the emissions is only 12.6% of the total which is 20.170 kg. The total energy consumption and emissions of paving 1 t roadbase by plant-mixed cold recycled mixture are declined by 42.5% and 41.6% compared with large stone asphalt mixture roadbase, it can reduce the energy consumption and emissions 5.36 kgce and 14.34 kg, reducing the energy consumption 4.06 kgce which is mainly lies in the mixing process.
文章引用:鲁圣弟, 沈艺奇, 扈惠敏. 大修工程厂拌冷再生基层能耗与排放量化分析[J]. 土木工程, 2017, 6(6): 576-585. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJCE.2017.66069


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