The Necessity and Strategy of Kindergarten Life Teaching
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.611191, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,812  浏览: 13,609 
作者: 任 静:河北师范大学教育学院,河北 石家庄
关键词: 幼儿园生活化教学策略Kindergarten Life Teaching Strategy
摘要: 开展幼儿园生活化教学有利于加速幼儿园教学改革的步伐。幼儿园生活化教学围绕儿童的生活世界,从儿童已有的生活经验出发,使幼儿在亲切的氛围和熟悉的环境中主动学习,快乐学习。在具体教学中立足儿童的日常生活重建生活化教学之基,通过反映社会生活的时代特征来丰富幼儿生活化教学的内容,以活泼的幼儿园生活为核心重建幼儿园生活化教学理念。
Abstract: The development of kindergarten life teaching is helpful to accelerate the reform of kindergarten teaching. The teaching of kindergarten life is centered around the world of children's life, from the existing life experience of children, so as to enable children to study actively and happily in the friendly atmosphere and familiar environment. In the concrete teaching based on children's daily life of the reconstruction of the life-oriented teaching base, through the reflection of the characteristics of the era of social life to enrich the content of the life-oriented teaching, with lively kindergarten life as the core to rebuild the kindergarten life teaching idea.
文章引用:任静. 幼儿园生活化教学的必要性及策略[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(11): 1361-1367. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.611191


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