The Meaning of Word with Fish Script and Its Art Appreciation
DOI: 10.12677/ARL.2017.64004, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,469  浏览: 3,373 
作者: 张宽裕*:建国科技大学电子系,台湾 彰化;黄 滨, 田明君:南京城市职业学院工程与信息学院,江苏 南京;丁 亮:南京城市职业学院文创艺术学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 鱼体笔划鱼体文字文字艺术字体结构创意之美Fish Script Word with Fish Script Art of Word Structure of Word Beauty of Creation
摘要: 书法所赋予文字艺术之创作,随历代闻人创作而有不同的风貌与价值。现代人若仅继承或充实传统书法艺术,则文字艺术将走入死胡同。勇于以各种造型观念去诠释文字之特性和书法艺术之内涵,将可活化文字艺术创作并增其光辉。是以吾人利用鱼体来取代生硬的字体笔划而让字体充满灵性与生命,于是乎创出了鱼体文字。鱼体文字是以鱼体为建构基素,而鱼种类有千、万种,其悠游姿态亦多不胜数,而其色彩更是缤纷绚丽;若吾人将其组合成字体,将可见到变幻万端之字体及所呈现之美感,例如象形之美、书画之美、气韵之美、创意之美、祥和之美及灵动之美。另外,鱼儿生命循环、悠游姿态(或跃、或潜、或摆)皆有其意涵,在感受自然生命之流转后而赋予鱼体文字特有之意涵。端此,鱼体文字将牵涉到:字的艺术、字意艺术、色彩艺术、外体形状艺术、整体结构艺术及动态艺术等,此等将可满足作者在书写上的万般巧思。
Abstract: Calligraphy’s creation for word of art has different styles and values under the creation of celebrity in past dynasties. If the modern people only inherit or enrich the traditional art of calligraphy, then the word art will go into a dead end. Using variety of modeling ideas bravely to interpret the characteristics of the word and the connotation of calligraphy art will be able to activate the word art creation and increase its glory. Thus we use fish script to replace the blunt font such that the font will be full of spirituality and life. And then the word with fish script is created. This word is constructed based on the body format of the fish and while they come in thousand types of different species so are the chorographical swimming movements as well as the abundance of radiant colors they come with, and that being said, one can only imagine the result of the combination is unspeakably beautiful and radiant. If we combine it into a word, one can see the fantasy of the word and its beauty shown, such as the beauty of pictographic, the beauty of painting and calligraphy, the beauty of artistic conception, the beauty of creation, the beauty of peace and the beauty of agility. Furthermore, the fish’s life cycle and leisurely attitude (body jump, dive and tail swing) have their unique meaning. That is we will give special meaning to word with fish script after feeling the flow of natural life. Therefore, the art of word with fish script will include art of word, art of literal meaning, art of color, art of structure shape, art of structure in whole word and kinetic art and etc. And that will be able to meet the author's writing on the ingenuity.
文章引用:张宽裕, 黄滨, 田明君, 丁亮. 鱼体文字意涵及其艺术赏析[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2017, 6(4): 25-36. https://doi.org/10.12677/ARL.2017.64004


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