Study on the Innovation and Development of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2017.66025, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,579  浏览: 3,478 
作者: 孙彦宝, 郭子涵:辽宁师范大学,辽宁 大连
关键词: 国有企业高新技术创新State-Owned Enterprise High Technology Innovation
摘要: 国有企业创新发展是中国经济增长方式转变与经济结构优化升级的迫切需要。本文从行业和地区两个角度出发,论述目前中国国有高新技术企业的企业基本情况、研发投入情况、经营成果情况以及全要素生产率变化情况,发现其存在综合实力较弱、行业分布失衡、区域差距较大、技术进步缓慢等问题,本文在借鉴国外成功经验并结合国内实际情况的基础上,提出中国国有高新技术企业在未来的发展过程中,应该尽快转变政府管理意识,进一步完善国资委的运营机制,同时注重海外高端人才的引进,不断优化企业人才结构,着重培养行业龙头企业,打造出一批世界一流品牌,逐步构建区域互助体系,促进各地高新技术产业均衡发展,从而真正完成国有企业引领国民经济的伟大使命。
Abstract: The innovation and development of state-owned enterprises is an urgent need for the transfor-mation of China’s economic growth mode and the optimization and upgrade of economic structure. By discussing the basic situation, R & D investment situation, operating results and the total factor productivity of China’s state-owned high-tech enterprises from the perspective of industry and region, this paper finds that there are some problems of the state-owned enterprises, including lower overall strength, industry imbalance, regional gap and technological limitations. Based on the successful experience of foreign countries and the actual situation of China, this paper puts forward that China’s state-owned high-tech enterprises should change the awareness of government man-agement as soon as possible in the future development process, further improve the operation of the SASAC Mechanism, focus on the introduction of overseas high-end talents, constantly optimize the enterprise talent structure, establish industry-leading enterprises, create a number of world-class brands, and gradually build a regional mutual aid system to promote the balanced de-velopment of high-tech industry, finally, achieving the great mission of leading national economy by state-owned enterprises.
文章引用:孙彦宝, 郭子涵. 中国国有企业高新技术发展的对策研究[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2017, 6(6): 191-198.


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