A Preliminary Study on the Vocational Interest of High School Students Based on the Differences of Gender and Classification of Art and Science Classes—A Study of High School Students of Qinghua Middle School in Chongqing
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.711163, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,447  浏览: 5,993  科研立项经费支持
作者: 龙海舟, 霍 颢:重庆市清华中学校,重庆
关键词: 职业兴趣高中生霍兰德性别文理科Vocational Interest High School Students Holland Gender Classification of Art and Science Classes
摘要: 以重庆清华中学高一学生为研究对象,使用霍兰德职业兴趣量表,探讨了高中生职业兴趣特点,并进一步讨论了性别、文理科对该群体职业兴趣的影响。结果表明:1)艺术型和社会型是高中生最多选择的职业兴趣类型,其中艺术型选择的人最多;2)性别和文理科两因素对职业兴趣倾向都有影响,不同的职业兴趣类型其影响不同;3)性别和文理科两个因素对职业兴趣的分化性均有影响,且交互作用显著;其中文科女生的分化程度远高于其他组别。
Abstract: By taking high school students of Qinghua Middle School as an example, this paper discusses the vocational interest features of high school students by using Holland’s vocational interest scale, and further discusses the impact of gender, classification of art and science Classes on the group’s vocational interests. The result indicated: 1) Art and Society are the most choice of high school students vocational of interest, of which most people select art; 2) The two factors, gender and classification of art and science Classes, have an impact on the tendency of vocational interest, and different types of vocational interest have different effects; 3) Gender and classification of art and science Classes have an impact on the differentiation of vocational interest and the interaction is significant in which girls differentiation in art class is much higher than other groups.
文章引用:龙海舟, 霍颢 (2017). 基于性别、文理科差异的高中生职业兴趣初探—以重庆市清华中学高一学生为例. 心理学进展, 7(11), 1312-1318. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.711163


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