NOx Emission Regulations and Emission Control Technology for Marine Diesel Engine
DOI: 10.12677/HJCET.2017.76036, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,847  浏览: 5,280 
作者: 李凯, 胡以怀, 曾存:上海海事大学,上海
关键词: 船舶柴油机EGR排放控制Marine Diesel Engine EGR Emission Control
摘要: 随着世界经济全球化和海上丝绸之路的发展,船舶运输已经成为国际货物的重要的运输方式之一。在船舶运输过程中,柴油机排放的氮氧化物、硫氧化物、颗粒物等废气污染物对自然环境造成了极大的危害。尾气污染物对于港口城市和沿海城市,危害会更大。本文主要对现有船舶柴油机NOx排放法规进行分析,提出控制船舶柴油机NOx排放的措施。能否研究一套设备同时实现控制多种船舶柴油机废气排放出的污染物,并且可以去除多种污染物,且这套设备具有占地面积小、经济性好、效率高等有点,将是以后研究的方向。
Abstract: With the development of the world economy and the Silk Road on the sea, ship transport has be-come one of the important modes of transport of international goods. In the process of ship transport, diesel engine emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, particulate matter and other pollutants on the natural environment caused great damage. For port cities and coastal cities, the damage of exhaust pollutants will be greater. This paper mainly analyzes the NOx emission regulations of existing marine diesel engines and puts forward the measures to control the NOx emission of diesel engines. Studying a set of equipment to achieve control of a variety of marine diesel engine emissions of pollutants, remove a variety of pollutants, and focus on footprint, economy and efficiency simultaneously, will be a direction of the study in the future.
文章引用:李凯, 胡以怀, 曾存. 船舶柴油机NOx排放法规及排放控制技术[J]. 化学工程与技术, 2017, 7(6): 255-262. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJCET.2017.76036


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