Solving Higher Order Nonlinear Differential Equation with Nonlocal Boundary Value Problem
摘要: 本文讨论高阶非线性微分方程非局部边值问题的数值方法。通过建立满足非局部边值条件的再生核空间,获得简单易行的再生核数值解法。证明近似解及其导数的收敛性。
Abstract: This paper discusses the numerical method for the higher order nonlinear differential equation with nonlocal boundary value problem. By constructing the reproducing kernel space which satis-fies the nonlocal boundary value conditions, the simple reproducing kernel numerical approximate method is established. Convergence of approximate solution and its derivatives is proved, respectively.
文章引用:周永芳, 马丽君, 张相梅, 金大永, 苏国忠. 高阶非线性微分方程非局部边值问题的解法[J]. 应用数学进展, 2017, 6(8): 1034-1038. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAM.2017.68124


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