The Effect of Workplace Exclusion on Employees’ Silent Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Emotional Exhaustion
摘要: 职场排斥是员工在职场中所体验到的一种复杂的人际冲突,往往会导致员工出现一些回避反应,例如员工的沉默行为。以往的研究主要关注职场排斥与员工沉默行为的认知因素,而有关情绪因素对员工造成的影响则较少受到关注。本研究选取222名在职员工作为本次研究的研究对象,通过职场排斥对员工沉默行为的基本框架,从情绪路径对上述关系中情绪耗竭的中介作用进行研究。研究结果表明:职场排斥能够正向预测员工的三种沉默行为;情绪耗竭在职场排斥与员工的三种沉默行为之间起到部分中介作用。基于此,组织和领导者应注意引导建立和谐的职场工作氛围,关注员工情绪对于员工沉默行为的影响,促使员工积极建言。
Abstract: Workplace rejection is a complex interpersonal conflict experienced by employees in the workplace, which often leads to some avoidance and retaliation reactions, such as the silent behavior of employees. Previous studies have focused on the cognitive factors of workplace rejection and silent behavior, while less attention has been paid to the impact of emotional factors on employees. In this study, 222 on-the-job employees were selected as the research objects, and the mediating role of emotional exhaustion in the above relationships was studied from the perspective of emotional pathways through the basic framework of workplace exclusion and silent behavior of employees. The results show that workplace rejection can positively predict three kinds of silent behaviors of employees. Emotional exhaustion in the workplace exclusion and three kinds of silent behavior of employees play a part in the mediating role. Based on this, organizations and leaders should pay attention to guide the establishment of a harmonious workplace work atmosphere, pay attention to the influence of employees’ emotions on their silent behavior, and encourage employees to make positive suggestions.
文章引用:程硕硕 (2020). 职场排斥对员工沉默行为的影响:情绪耗竭的中介作用. 心理学进展, 10(5), 632-638. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2020.105078


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