New Era University College Teachers to Explore the Quality and Capacity of the Structure
摘要: 高校教师是高等教育人才培养工作的主要实施者,是提高高等教育质量的根本保证。高校教师应具备什么样的素质与能力结构,已成为高校普遍关心的问题。在对了解高校教师素质与能力的结构因素。探讨了对其发展和提高方向。
Abstract: Teacher training in higher education the main perpetrators of the work is to improve the quality of higher education’s fundamental guarantee. What college teachers should have the quality and capacity of the structure, has become a common concern. I have explored its direction of development and improvement through understanding of the teachers’ quality and ability in university.
文章引用:刘小兵. 新时代高校高校教师素质与能力结构探究[J]. 教育进展, 2012, 2(1): 6-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ae.2012.21002


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