Design and Research of Homestay Reconstruction Project Based on Quzhou Regional Cultural Characteristics—A Case Study of Homestay in Tonggong Mountain Village, Quzhou City
DOI: 10.12677/Design.2022.74020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 291  浏览: 457  科研立项经费支持
作者: 江锦云, 兰菁馨, 吕淼虹*:浙江农林大学暨阳学院,浙江 绍兴
关键词: 农耕文化乡村振兴民宿改造设计文化特色Farming Culture Rural Revitalization Homestay Reconstruction Design Cultural Characteristics
摘要: 民宿作为新时代的旅游乐趣,不仅是能为游客提供符合当地文化特征、自然生态的小型住宿设施,更是我国乡村振兴的一种重要手段。可以让旅客在其中寻觅归属感,也是摆脱生活压力的束缚,让一颗乏力的心灵得到宝贵的放松机会。体验生活的慢节奏,找到久违的舒适感。本文从对乡村民宿特点与自然环境分析入手,对民宿设计主题确立以及人文特点和自然环境的元素提炼进行深入探讨。同时,以衢州市彤弓山村民宿设计为例,为建设具有地域文化特点的乡村民宿提供一种参考。
Abstract: As tourism pleasure in the new era, homestay is not only a small accommodation facility that conforms to local cultural characteristics and natural ecology, but also an important means of rural revitalization in China. It can let passengers find a sense of belonging in it, get rid of the shackles of life pressure, and let a weak mind get a precious chance to relax. Experience the slow pace of life and find comfort that you haven’t felt in a long time. Starting from the analysis of the characteristics and natural environment of rural homestay, this paper makes an in-depth discussion on the establishment of the theme of homestay design and the extraction of the elements of humanistic characteristics and natural environment. At the same time, taking the design of homestays in Tonggong Mountain Village of Quzhou City as an example, this paper provides a reference for the construction of homestays in rural areas with regional cultural characteristics.
文章引用:江锦云, 兰菁馨, 吕淼虹. 基于衢州市地域文化特征民宿改造项目的设计研究——以衢州市彤弓山村民宿为例[J]. 设计, 2022, 7(4): 138-149. https://doi.org/10.12677/Design.2022.74020


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