The Application, Progress and Design of Positive Psychological Intervention
摘要: 积极心理学致力于提升幸福感和促进心理健康。随着互联网的普及和积极心理学的不断发展,促使依托互联网的积极心理干预由理论走向现实,并逐渐成现代干预研究的热点。本文以积极心理学、健康心理学为理论基础,首先对运用在线积极心理干预技术的实证研究进行了回顾,然后论述了在线积极心理干预与其他干预方式相比的优点、其得以实现的可能性和实施后的有效性,同时提出了在线积极心理干预的方案设计。
Abstract: Positive psychology is committed to enhance well-being and promote mental health. With the popularity of the Internet and the development of positive psychology, the online positive psychological in- tervention comes from theory to reality, and gradually becomes a research hotspot of modern intervention. In this paper, positive psychology, health psychology as the theoretical basis of the positive psychological inter- vention, online empirical studies were reviewed first, then discussed advantages of online positive psycho- logical intervention compared with other interventions, and the possibility of its realization and implementa- tion of effectiveness, furthermore, proposed the design for online positive psychological intervention.
文章引用:李婷婷, 段文杰, 张永红 (2012). 在线积极心理干预技术运用进展及方案设计. 心理学进展, 2(2), 44-51.


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