Integrity Behavior: On the Perspective of Psychology
摘要: 诚信行为是社会道德体系的一种典型行为表现,它是个人社会性发展的一个重要表现,同时也是建设诚信社会的必要组成成分。针对近年来社会上出现的一系列诚信危机行为,文章从心理学视角进行了剖析。分别从人格特质模型、自我保护/提升动机模型、自我控制资源模型、道德行为双面模型、社会学习模型以及社会认知模型对诚信行为作出解释,并基于这六个心理学模型提出重塑个人诚信行为的建议。
Abstract: Integrity behavior is a typical behavioral expression of social moral system, which is critical to individual social development and is also an important component of building integrity society. Concerning on a series of integrity crisis events happening recently, the present article aimed at explaining this phenomenon from the angle of psychology. The paper discussed the integrity behavior from the perspectives of personality trait, self-protection/enhancement motive, self-regulatory resource, dual-respect model of moral behavior, social learning model and social-cognitive theory. Additionally, the article also gave some suggestions for re-building individuals’ integrity behavior from these six psychological theories.
文章引用:曾敏霞, 黎建斌, 聂衍刚 (2012). 诚信行为:心理学的解释. 心理学进展, 2(2), 65-71. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2012.22011


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