Production from Shallow Reservoir of Deep Oil of Ultra-Deep Ultra-Low Permeable Hydrocarbon Transport System
摘要: 针对永进油田超深超低渗透稀油油藏采用直井、水平井试采效益较差的难题,应用石油输导体系最新成果,提出“深油浅采”的技术构想。利用活动断层骨架砂岩(不整合面)等各类输导体系,沟通断层、沥青墙、不整合面、骨架砂,将深层原油逐步运聚到浅层砂体中,将开采超深油田转化为开采浅层高渗透油田。在生产实际中,出现过注水过程中沟通断层,注入水渗出地面的情况,使本构想变得更加可行。建议在有利区块开展先导试验。这是利用勘探理论指导开发的一次尝试。
Abstract: According to the problem of production test with poor benefit such as ultra-deep and ultra-low permeable of Yongjin Oilfield, application oil hydrocarbon transport system latest achievements, put “production from shallow reservoir of deep oil”. Use hydrocarbon transport systems such as active fault-skeleton sandstone-unconformity,communicate fault, asphalt wall, unconformity, skeleton sand, put crude oil in deeper resivoir gradually transport shallow sandbody, put produce ultra-deep oil field transformed into produce shallow high permeability oilfield. On production production practical system, appeared communication fault in injecting process, injection water exudation ground, make this conception more feasible. Suggest develop pilot test, this is a attempt of guidance development by exploration theory.
文章引用:王学忠. 用油气输导体系实现超深超低渗透油田“深油浅采”[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2012, 2(2): 99-103. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2012.22014
