The Negotiation Support System Based on the Graph Model
摘要: 本文研究的是基于矩阵形式的图模型决策谈判系统。冲突决策图模型法是一种集建模、分析和决策于一体的关于战略冲突的方法论。基于图模型法的决策支持系统是一个适用于解决谈判协商的实用分析工具。本文首次将图模型法和冲突分析决策系统运用到外交谈判,以人民币是否升值为背景,将图模型理论运用于中美双方政府及经济学家之间的谈判,并为此提供战略决策建议。
Abstract: A negotiation support system based on the matrix representation of the graph mode(MRGM) is studied in this paper. The graph model for conflict resolution (GMCR) is the methodology consisting of modeling, analyzing, and decision for solving the tactic conflict. The decision support system based on GMCR, called MRCR is a useful tool for negotiation. MRCR, the decision support system is first applied to diplomatic negotiations in this paper. Specifically, this paper uses GMCR method for studying the exchange rate of RMB and providing advices for the negotiation among the government of the USA, Chinese government and economists.
文章引用:苏燕, 徐海燕, 朱金峰, 陈志聪, 陈英姿. 基于图模型的决策谈判系统[J]. 现代管理, 2011, 1(1): 43-49. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mm.2011.11008


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