Outcome-Based Education—A Novel Thinking on Course Design for Information Management Discipline


Abstract: Information Management (IM) plays a key role to success in today’s organization business. However, there has been a considerable skillsets gap for years between the practitioners’ expectation and the students graduated from the IM department of universities. The employers are having issues in identifying the skillsets of these graduated students can meet the job requirements or not, and invest significant costs and time in training for the job afterwards. This paper proposes that the course map of IM discipline dynamically responds to the needs for the job market and follows the modern information technology trend by implementing the Outcome-based Education. Consequently, it will be a triple-win situation: 1) helps the graduated students to find better jobs; 2) the IM departments of universities are esteemed for the success of education; and 3) the employers are able to deploy the new workforce on the job posts sooner. Such a situation will also alleviate the competition of human resource for Taiwan enterprises under globalization environment.

文章引用:李智. 成果导向式学习——信息管理专业课程规划新思维[J]. 教育进展, 2013, 3(1): 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2013.31001


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