Considerations of Physical Chemistry Teaching in Higher Education


Abstract: Physical Chemistry studies the changes that matter can undergo and explains the observations on the physical and chemical properties of matter in terms of the principles of physics and the language of mathematics. The principles of physical chemistry are related with many scientific and technologic fields, such as chemical industry, materials science, metallurgy, environtology, life sciences and medicine. Learning and comprehending the knowledge of physical chemistry, therefore, are important for the development of student’s practical ability and scientific competency in higher education. In this paper, we discussed some questions that have to be noticed during physical chemistry teaching in two aspects: the self-improvement of teachers and the education of students.

文章引用:王军. 对大学物理化学课程教学的思考[J]. 教育进展, 2013, 3(1): 13-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2013.31003


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