The Optimal Timing Plan of Traffic Signal Based on Vehicle Detection
摘要: 文章针对具有明显潮汐性、进口道之间流量悬殊信号交叉口在各个状态下的信号配时方案进行优化。通过车辆感知技术,实现车辆与交通信号系统之间的信息交换,将交叉口的流量分情况讨论,针对不同的车辆到达情况采用实时的信号灯配时,以提高通行效率,节能环保。此外,利用java语言验证了逻辑上的可行性,利用VISSIM仿真模拟分析典型案例后,证明了方案及模型的精度和控制效果。
Abstract: This paper illustrates an optimal timing plan for a specific intersection, the volumes of whose approaches vary largely and have periodic changes. The purpose of the plan is to enhance the information exchange between vehicles and traffic signals, and use the real-time signal plan with regarding to the different conditions of the arrivals, in order to increase the efficiency of the operation and reduce the energy consumption. To test the practical utility and feasibility of the plan, the paper offers the data from the experiment of a representative intersection, during which we do the reconnaissance and simulation by VISSIM, and programming with java.
文章引用:刘心露, 赵康嘉, 陈淑燕. 基于车辆感知的信号交叉口配时优化[J]. 交通技术, 2013, 2(1): 64-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2013.21012


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