Spatial Data Interpolation and 3D Visualization System
摘要: 在近地表地质科学研究中,大多需要探勘地层用以获取各种不同的地质物理量进行分析,但是,探勘资料需要经过适当处理,才能够进行分析,其中处理手续主要包含两个重要的步骤:就是将采集到的低密度离散数据反演算成高密度且均匀分布的格点数据,及将数值数据以三维可视化显示。虽然市面上已有几款的不同软件提供反演算或是可视化系统,但是,这些系统通常要求高额的使用权利金,或是需要理解及熟悉艰深的操作方式以及界面难以课制化成研究需求等,让使用者难以接受使用,因此本文将首先讨论各种数据反算法及三维可视化方法,再将这些算法实作于一个可视化反演算系统,系统中呈现多个不同的反演算及可视化选择,让使用者可以依其分析需要做适当选择。最后,我们将利用实际的数据来验证这系统的应用和价值。
Abstract: Researchers use geophysical prospecting to measure different geological quantities. The measurements and derived data are generally recorded as numerical values with the location of the prospecting points. The large number of numerical values often makes researchers lost in numbers and be not able to discover the relationship among physical and derived measurements. If the values can be visualized graphically and analyzed with different graphics methods, the user can more easily understand the distribution of prospecting data and analyze the relationship among values. Therefore, a visualization system is designed in this study and is applied to delineate and analyze the realistic data sets, including the geothermal data set of Taiwan, the resistivity data set of Qing-Shui, and the resistivity data set of Xiao-Lin. Spatial interpolation functions such as inverse distance, nearest neighbor, and Kriging are provided in the system to generate a regular and structured grid representation from scattered measurements. Then a set of graphical visualization functions are equipped to let researchers easily analyze the relationship among numbers.
文章引用:陈光奕, 黄亮轩, 廖培成, 赖佑吉, 张并瑜. 整合空间数据反演算与三维可视化系统[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2013, 3(1): 57-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2013.31009
