Status Quo and Trends of Unconscious Research: A Review
摘要: 无意识是一种常见的信息加工过程。当前的研究表明,无意识刺激信息能够影响情绪、态度、动机、学习、认知控制以及行为决策。然而,对于一些问题,如无意识思维、无意识与注意间的关系,研究者还存在不同的看法。本文从实验方法及研究方向两个方面介绍了无意识研究的现状,同时,文章也对目前该领域存在的一些争论点做了概括分析。此外,作者认为对无意识信息加工神经机制的研究可能会成为未来无意识研究的热点问题。
Abstract: Unconscious is a common information processing procedure. Recent experiments suggest that unconscious stimuli can influence the emotion, attitude, motivation, learning, cognitive control and decision making. However, researchers hold different views on some issues, such as unconscious thought, the relationship between attention and unconscious. In this article, authors assessed the research status of unconscious from its experimental methods and research directions; furthermore we also summarized the current agreements in the field. In addition, the authors believe that the study of the neural mechanisms of unconscious information processing will become a focus in the future unconscious research.
文章引用:常运, 陈红 (2013). 无意识研究现状及趋势述评. 心理学进展, 3(2), 100-108. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.32016


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