Identification and Judgment of Original Congruent Number
摘要: 通过运用初等数论方法,把同余数问题从二维空间推广到三维空间。推导出三维本原同余数一般公式及其判定定理。阐明了各类三维同余数之间的关系,全面解决了三维同余数相关问题。
Abstract: Congruent number problem was extended from two-dimensional space to three-dimensional space by the application of fundmental method, Deduce the general formulas and judgment theorems of three-di- mensional original congruent number. Clarifies the relationship between various types of three-dimensional congruent number, and comprehensively solute the problems associated with the three-dimensional congruent number.
文章引用:关永刚, 关春河. 推导三维本原同余数一般公式及其判定定理[J]. 理论数学, 2013, 3(2): 144-148. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/PM.2013.32023